saturday morning was race #47 of my 9 year running career, the loco moose 5k. i had thought my friend melissa would be there but found out shortly before leaving my house that she in fact was not running. i was pretty bummed but i found a few friends when i got there so i wasnt running entirely alone. this was NOT one of my 12 in 2010 races, just a random one i signed up for in order to reach 50 races by the end of the year (50 over the last 9 years, haha, not 50 for this year. that would be way more hardcore than me).
i picked up my race number and tshirt and stretched/ran a little to loosen up. i had no idea what to expect for a time for this race since most of it was on trails and grass (apparently it was a cross country course) so i decided i was just going to have fun. my right foot has also been bothering me since the race last sunday too and i didnt know how that would feel. (i think this is residual from when the girl stepped on my foot at john & amys wedding with her high heel on the dance floor. im still convinced something in there is broken).
registration table
starting line- gotta love small town races!
the course was two 1.5 mile loops with an extra .1 to the finish on the second loop. i started close to the start line since there were no timing chips and as we started off quite a few people raced out in front of me. i kept a strong pace for the first loop but i could feel myself slowing down a little once i hit the second loop. i was not a fan of running on the grass and leaves before we hit the sidewalks... im definitely a pavement runner, hands down. i knew there were a few women ahead of me so i didnt think i had my age group in the bag, but there was a girl literally breathing down my neck for the last mile, and i was not going to let her pass me. im sure you all know that feeling... no matter how crappy you feel, that person
and she didnt. i lost her on the last little hill to the bridge, then i coasted to the finish. i felt like my lungs were going to explode and i was happy to see 24:44 as i passed the finish (i didnt wear my watch so i had no idea where i was with time).
monique, andre, emly, me, ryan
somehow i managed to pull off 9th woman overall, 33rd place (out of 107), and 1st in my age group (actually, if you want to know the REAL truth, i was 2nd in my age group. BUT, just like in the 65 roses 5k i did recently, the real 1st person in my age group was the 1st overall female to win the race. so that puts me in 1st. ill still take it, and ill like it!)

my prize? a pint glass. as sarah pointed out - "this race was meant for you!" duh.
the awards table
im kinda in love with this tshirt
random wedding update: things are coming together rather nicely. we are still waiting on about 30 more rsvp's... i think the mailman must have gotten hungry and eaten them. surely people wouldnt wait until the very last minute to send them back post deadline?! i mean this will be the best party of the year, right? (*cough cough* i need to know what you want to eat pleeeeease or everyone is getting mcdonalds sosendthembacksoonmeaningNOW. k thanks)
were still going through pics and finding ones that just make me want to go "awwwwwww".... and also get my mother evaluated for parental therapy due to a) the sweaters she dressed me in and b) my hair. did i cut my own bangs? (actually, i did cut my hair once, with my bunny rabbit scissors... this may have been taken around that time)
sweet care bears radio headset. go 1984.
and God help us if we ever grow a human whose head is as big as tylers was. ouch.
i know im biased but he was pretty darn adorable, ginormous noggin and all
we also got our wedding bands the other day... it shouldnt come as a surprise to anyone that i went around our apartment searching for things i could photograph them with. i thought this one came out the best.
47 days!
many things: 24 minutes is fast! way to go!!
ReplyDeletethat picture of you is ADORABLE! love the pigtails.
and, gorgeous wedding rings! are you excited???
awwww pretty rings. and a pretty sweet AG win! love the shirt :)
ReplyDeleteI sent my rsvp back WEEEEKS ago (ha ha ha)
I think our mothers thought alike: I have THE SAME pose-pony tails and all-in a blue sweater with strawberries instead of snowmen on it--sans the CareBears walkman.
Wow, congrats on such an awesome race!!
ReplyDeleteAnd I really do love the pigtails :)