2. ive had the music choice holiday music favorites channel all day. dont judge.
3. the xmas candles and snowmen coasters have also made their way into the living room. i mean, it IS the most wonderful time of the year... the most hap, happiest season of alllllll....
4. i got home from work wednesday morning and went to bed at 9am. i woke up at 5pm. i went to my parents house where we had a lovely feast of red hotdogs, baked beans, and tater tots. i drank a bud light, went home, watched biggest loser on dvr and was in bed at 10:30pm. i woke up this morning at 8:30am. in 24 hours i slept almost 19 hours! what a waste, but boy do i feel awake today!
5. i know its getting close to the holidays, and i know ive pushed charities all year long but here are a few more chances to donate that you at least need to give a little thought to...
6. i got my new 2011 daily planner last week and have started filling it in with important dates/birthdays and some of the notes i put in all my planners each year (websites, quotes, etc). yesterday i wrote my NEW name in the front, since the planner IS for 2011. it made me smile.
7. we just found out that 3 of our (30) still missing rsvp's were due to the fact that they didnt get an invitation in the first place! you can only imagine how annoyed this makes me... along with the fact that im just now finding this information out.
8. a few days ago my phone started blowing up with text messages from twitter with messages of the @ mentions to me. ive always wished this would be an option from twitter but i have no idea why its doing it all of a sudden. happy early birthday to me!
9. my current obsession is peppermint mocha coffee creamer. mmmmmm.
10. the other day i was ordering bridesmaid/groomsmen gifts online and decided i would just google search for any coupons there may be floating out there. some random site gave me a code for the online store i was shopping on for 30% off orders over $100 AND free shipping. what did i have to lose? punched in the code during check out.... success! saved us over $60. w.i.n.
11. i pick up my completely altered wedding dress in 11 days! holy smokes... im still amazed that i bought a wedding dress from a consignment shop, 4-5 sizes too big, and it now fits perfectly and looks awesome! (i know ive got a biased opinion... but im excited haha)
12. the other day sarah and i went to the mall and found a super sweet secret santa gift for family holiday party... and it was on sale for $9.99! a steal! well, while balancing my check book today (yes, im a super organized freak like that) i saw that the store charged me $20.98. i went and checked the receipt... they charged me for two super sweet gifts. i seriously only bought one. so now im going to be that person that goes back to the store looking like im trying to scam them for $10. ugh. but its still $10, and i only have one gift.
13. tuesday night at work i had a young patient with a croupy cough. his mom brought in some books from home for him to read while they were there. i started reading through one with him and came across this page... now it caught my attention first because of the jar of pickles on the page, but as i read what was written, i was horrified. (the story is about a siamese cat who thinks he is a chiwawa... no idea how to spell either of those things, so theyre probably wrong). regardless, i will always read through my kids books before buying them. i suggest you do the same.

i dont think i want my kids reading about popping a pickle in a puss... just sayin
14. i could live off of water and peanut butter. i would not like to go to jail though (thats what i think they eat there. i dont want to find out.)
15. im secretly excited for snow. maybe sarah will go skiing with me again this year.
16. our new car is rapidly approaching 10,000 miles. how is that even possible?! (i named him kurt... and every time we watch glee ty just shakes his head at me)
17. im two races away from completing my new years resolution. this will be the 2nd year ive actually followed through with a resolution. ive got a good one ready for next year, i hope i can stick with it!
18. after all the times ive said i hate my hair long, im so annoyed with it, i cant wait to cut it after the wedding, blah blah blah... i think im beginning to like it long. ha.
19. it was discussed at work today about ty and i going to town hall on dec 31st and getting married... then having our ceremony and reception as planned the next day. for tax purposes. hmmmm....
20. when i as 20 years old i had a fake id that said i was 34. and it worked at the bars in elmira, ny. seriously? i looked like i was 16.
21. somehow sarah and i convinced ashley, who lives in missouri, to come run reach the beach 200 mile relay with us in massachusetts next may. any single guys out there? ashley has said everyone is invited to tailgate at her wedding when that happens. someone get on that please.
22. for a long time i considered 22 my best year. i look back now and laugh at what i considered among those qualifications. im absolutely positive 30 will be the new 22.
23. tyler and his groomsmen have decided to do a "lobster dip" on the morning of the wedding. this involves jumping in the atlantic ocean at noon. each guy (8 in all, yeah i know. huge wedding party) have committed to raising $100 each for the special olympics. so in essence, ty will be "taking the plunge" twice in one day (hehe, i crack myself up). i hope theres a hot tub at the hotel or else im gonna have a frozen wedding party (average temp in maine on new years day: 15 degrees. average ocean temp in january: 34 degrees. enjoy, boys.)
24. my friends have this little running tradition where they write words on the bottom of their feet to help motivate them along through the race. at the end, they rip off their socks and see what someone else wrote for them. its fun. the other day i got this text message from my college friend, leni, who lives far far away in phoenix (boooooo). she had a baby 8 months ago and ran a half marathon last weekend! this was the pic i got. *tear*

"lyla ann & jrc love you!!!"
25. i have over 20 hooded sweatshirts. jeri and sarah are also "hoodie whores" just like me. so we came up with the idea to do a hoodie swap! so much awesomeness right there.
26. i think ive made more trips to "michaels" craft store than humanly possible. i go, buy one thing (with my 40% coupon, of course) and would ya look at that, another 40% off coupon prints off! see ya next week to get my next one item. this has occurred consistenly for the past 11 months.
27. ive picked out all the pictures and 3 songs for our wedding reception slide show. i think ive watched it almost 20 times. cried every time. im gonna need a xanax on january 1st. or an IV of bud light.
28. tylers parents bought us a kitchenaid for xmas (ive been doing the happy dance since i found out!). it arrived in the mail a few days ago but our apartment sucks and we have no room for it. ive lived this long without one im sure i can wait a few more months until we get a house, but im seriously considering turning our guest bedroom into a dining room....
29. i honestly dont know what i would do without ranch dressing. my maid of honor is already prepared to stash a bottle under the head table for me before the reception. i mean, thats what MOH's are for, right?
30. llbean really missed the boat on not having a wedding registry this year. big time.
Ok I have a lot I would like to comment on here but I'm doing this from the iPhone and it's a major pia. I'll do my best to remember what I wanted to say. Yes we will go skiing but the hospital took presidents day away from us as a holiday so we will have to figure something out. I love being a hoodie whore. I hope I remember everything from your wedding, party of the year. Ummm that's it for now. Oh! Wait! Rtb is Gunnar be a-ma-zing.xoxo
Thanks for the smile :)
30 rocks. really~
Thank youuuuuuu! =)