but all in all, the reason this blog became what is it today was pretty much because of this resolution, and last sunday i completed yet another year of what i had set out to do on january 1st. (if you dont recall, i gave up potato chips for my n.y.r. of 2009. dumb, dumb, dumb. that has completely backfired on me as i now go through at least a mini bag of chips per day. no joke.)
will this blog end here and now? HA! weve still got a wedding to get through... 22 days!!! i couldnt (& wouldnt!) leave ya’ll hangin like that! and ive got some fun plans coming for next year. i think ill stick around.
so without further adieu (ive never used that word before... figured id start now), here is my ultimate "12 in 2010" review… the good, the bad, and something i learned from each race. ive also added the link to the race recap report incase you have any interest in seeing more pics and randomness from each race.
january- frozen 5k 23:54 (7:42)
date/time/weather: 1/10/10, 1:30pm, 20 degrees… really freaking cold, oh and there was wind too. wind is so awesome.
the good: an afternoon race! got to sleep in. always a plus.
the bad: 20 degrees. wind. enough said.
something i learned: sprinting in freezing temps does not allow for quality breathing but it does mean you wont be out running in the cold as long.

one lonely tshirt just waiting for some friends...
february- mid winter classic 10 miler 1:26:08 (8:37)
date/time/weather: 2/7/10, 9:45am, 11 degrees… miserable.
the good: does anyone else run 10 miles the morning of the superbowl? allows for extra beers and chicken wings with no added guilt.
the bad: little to no sleep the night before (i ended up on the couch watching kardashian reruns at 2am), wind, ankle bracelet timing chips. its 2010 right? get with the newer technology thanks.
something i learned: this race had a huge impact on me (i didnt PR, down to the very second of my previous race). it helped me realize not getting a PR was insignificant and not to take anything in my life for granted.
thats maine talk for "hardcore". this moose knew whats up.
march- irish road rover 5k 30:38 (9:53)
date/time/weather: 3/7/10, 11:00am, sunny & on the warmer side for march in maine
the good: the weather was awesome, ty ran with me, aaaand we all went out for beers post race! cant go wrong with that combination.
the bad: i found nothing bad about this race. i asked ty what he thought was bad about this race: "all of it". he really loves running.
something i learned: i dont hate 5k’s as much when im not running them in an all out sprint
am i irish? nope. is it still fun to wear cute shamrock socks obviously.
april- great bay half marathon 1:58:15 (9:02)
date/time/weather: 4/11/10, 11:00am, 64 degrees. warmer than i thought it was going to be (apparently i thought 64 was cold)
the good: this is a truly beautiful and challenging course
the bad: trying to take off a long sleeve compression shirt while running… with a tshirt over it… holding a handheld and wearing a belt… not easy
something i learned: i have a love hate relationship with my handheld

usually i hate my monster manlike calves... but i actually like this pic
may- sugarloaf marathon 4:15:25 (9:49)
date/time/weather: 5/16/10, 7:00am, mid 40’s at start, warmed up to 60's, sunny
the good: my training. i worked hard for this PR and it showed.
the bad: no expo, waiting too long to book hotel room so we ended up in what i can only imagine resembled a retro bomb shelter, waiting 2 hours for dinner, and 16 miles downhill…. holy quad thrasher!
something i learned: apply a lot of sun block on your legs if youre going to run a marathon on a sunny day with KTtape… the tan lines arent cool. also no matter how much you train, a mile 20 breakdown/wall can and will still occur whether youre ready or not

a 26.2 mile advertisement
june- close to the coast 10k 49:44 (8:01)
date/time/weather: 6/12/10, 9:00am, warm, humid & muggy
the good: um... well... yeah, i got nothing. the race was pretty well organized, i met up with my friend betsy and got to meet her little boy :)
the bad: unable to pace myself, trail running, wood chips.
something i learned: i am not a trail runner

brendan told me to watch my footing on this course. best advice ever.
july- llbean 10k 52:21 (8:26)
date/time/weather: 7/4/10, 7:30am, so FREAKING HOT!
the good: andreas race photo taken by sarah (see below) and jake getting a PR. there was nothing good about this race from my racing point of view.
the bad: a pace of 16:45, yeah that’s walking.
something i learned: even though i live by my own rules, i dont often make the best choices. changing up breakfast, new shoes on race day, different pre-race fuel... not recommended
august- beach to beacon 10k 49:47 (8:01)
date/time/weather: 8/7/10, 8:05am, 49 degrees before the start (the two previous days were in the 90’s. gotta love maine!)
the good: probably the most beautiful/scenic race in the world! (ok thats probably not entirely true since i havent gotten out much, but its MY most beautiful race)
the bad: nothing. i heart this race. well attempting to register for the race is a royal pain. when asking ty what he thought was bad about this race, he said "all of it". see a theme here people? (see pic below)
something i learned: how to pee in the woods pre race. crucial.
ty (green shirt) was so excited. cant you tell?
september- reach the beach 200 mile relay 28:51:27
date/time/weather: 9/17-18/10, all night long baby, rain, sun, wind, cold, hot… you name it
the good: running in the middle of the night through wooded backroads with a head lamp, the white church with the old ladies making homemade chili, giddy middle school sleep over esque behavior in the van, chasing white new balance vans for silly bands. this list could go on and on...
the bad: the car top carrier opening up on the highway, scattering all our belongings all over the road… and having to leave early. sad.
something i learned: no matter how many times you say “ok guys im REALLY gonna try to fall asleep now”, it aint gonna happen. and i really hate port-a-potties.

stolen from reach the beach photos.
october- maine marathon 4:43:30 (10:49)
date/time/weather: 10/3/10, 7:45am, 46 degrees
the good: i love this marathon. love, love, love it.
the bad: i didnt train properly. i nearly got heat stroke on an 18 mile training run. marathon personal worst time. (but really, i love this marathon.)
something i learned: not training for a marathon will not kill you, but it is something i also do not recommend

did i just run almost 5 hours or did i BQ? you'd be surprised.
november- turkey trot 5k 24:18 (7:50)
date/time/weather: 11/21/10 9:00am, brrrrr chilly and windy
the good: getting together with good friends and kevin mitchell at the finish line handing out water
the bad: another stupid ankle bracelet for timing and no starting mat (gun time only)
something i learned: hills during mile 3 are not my friend
im moving so fast i made the pic blurry! no, not really. camera fail.
december- jingle bell 5k (actually 2.9miles) 21:42 (7:00)http://danielle09justdoit.blogspot.com/2010/12/race-12-give-it-all-you-got.html
date/time/weather: 12/5/10, 10:00am, 34 degrees
the good: a 5k race thats not accurately a 5k is still an official 5k online... right?
the bad: the course was about 0.2 miles short
something i learned: my final race of my new years resolution... i can do anything i set my mind to, just takes determination, dedication, and heart. ill never forget this year, and i couldnt have done it without the support of all my family and friends. thank you!!

thats the smile of accomplishment, folks
so there you have it. many people have asked if im going to do this again next year... simple answer: no. did i have fun? absolutely... thats not it at all. i set out to accomplish a goal and i did it. there were mornings i didnt feel like running a race, as there usually is. i want to do different things next year and that will be just fine with me. do i recommend what i did to others? for sure. be it with races of mixed distances like i did, triathlons, half marathons, or even 12 marathons in 12 months... its a fun thing to set out and feels really good to accomplish it. go for it.
on top of the 12 races in this resolution, i ran 8 other races as well: psychic prediction 5k, polar bear triathlon relay 5k, trail to ale 5k, 65 roses 5k, maine coast womens half marathon, loco moose 5k, thankgiving 4 miler, and coming up on 12/26 ill be running 6.1 miles with a team of awesome mainah's supporting operation jack & train4autism (sign up here, k thanks).
race registrations: $606.27
pairs of shoes: 3
# of miles i ran (in races): 168.65
# of PR’s: 5
dominating another new years resolution: priceless
"There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open." -Nike
this is such a great recap! i can't wait to see what 2011 has in store for you!
ReplyDelete:) awesome girl.
ReplyDeleteGotta ask--why wasn't "Meeting Jen at the Maine Marathon Expo" listed as THE BEST HIGHLIGHT of the year?? just asking :P
Can't wait to see what kind of zany 2011 rez you got! see ya 12/26