here it is in all its glory, and i LOVE it (and yes, i took the pic in front of my stylish shower curtain. sorry). i thought that it would be fun to put my name on my shirt since most of the races around here (ie- small races) dont have your name on the race bib. this way people can cheer me on!
you can kinda see it in this pic but the left sleeve says "run" and the right sleeve says "2010". they dont give you a lot of options/space to write, and Nike wouldnt allow me to write "hardcore" anywhere on the shirt (booooo) so this worked.
after the december race, i am going to make color photo copies of the 12 race bibs, shrink them, and transfer them to iron on paper and put them in a ring around the whole shirt base. on my 6 mile run today (in shorts i may add, this december weather in maine is pretty wacky!) i decided i may also iron on the date, race, and time down the back if there is room. i am PUMPED, to say the least, for this whole shindig to begin. tyler also bought me a yellow Nike+ sportband with sensor for my birthday to help track my mileage :-)
Love the shirt! I want one! :)