ff 30: my 30th bday is in 5 months and 22 days. ugh.
ff 31: i have two spider plants. i barely remember to water them, but they get a ton of sunlight which i assume they enjoy. i know i like to get a lot of sun but i also dont like being dehydrated, so i should probably try harder to remember to water them more.
meet spidey:
and meet MJ. she has recently grown flowers that close into buds at night with the curtains pulled, and open up during the day with the sunlight. it baffles me. i didnt know they grew flowers.
ff 32: for the month of june i am running (at least) 1 mile every day as well as a sit up/push up/jumping jack routine (for the first week i did 25 of each, this week i have been doing 50, next week will be 75, then 100. for the last 4 days of the month ill do 125). today is the 11th day of the month. i dont know how crazy people like dean karnazes and the like are able to run marathons day after day, there have been a few days already that ive had to literally dragged myself out to just do one freaking mile! so far ive logged 25 miles and 400 sit ups/push ups/jumping jacks. im definitely feeling much stronger, and can do almost 20 push ups consecutively now (before i couldnt even do 5).
ff 33: i got this lovely surprise in the mail today:
post race recap coming sunday. half way there!!!
what the heck, why aren't you racing the 5k??!?!?! you silly girl. hope you rocked it regardless!