Monday, July 29, 2013

dear monday

dear monday,
today is my last monday off of maternity leave. so far its been a good day... coffee, visitors, avacado BLT, afternoon naps while watching reruns of greys, and only crying twice thinking about this being my last week home.

dear henry,
thank you for sleeping for 8+ hours the last 4 nights. mommy and daddy truly appreciate the extra zzzzzz's (although i secretly miss the 2am feeding...)

dear anyone,
join me in making a bad life decision, please? come on, you know you want to...

dear greys anatomy reruns,
thanks for bringing me back to a time when a lot of what you said made sense in my life... "ok, anyone who says you can sleep when you die, tell them to come talk to me after a few months as an intern. of course its not just the job that keeps us up all night. i mean, if lifes so hard already, why do we bring so much trouble on ourselves? whats up with the need to hit the self destruct button? maybe we like the pain. maybe were wired that way... because without it, i dont know. maybe we just wouldnt feel real. whats the saying... why do i keep hitting myself with a hammer? because it feels so good when i stop."

dear CMP,
the extra $30 on the bill this month (mostly likely due to the air conditioner) was the best $30 ever spent.

dear weather gods,
the forecast for saturdays beach 2 beacon 10k looks amazing right now. please keep it that way!

dear marathon training,
for once i have made it 6 weeks and havent missed a training run yet (and feel good! and am sometimes doing cross training!) who am i?!

dear pro compression,
i owe ya. well, i keep buying things from you so maybe i dont owe you, but thank you.

dear tyler,
thank you for all that you have done over the past 11 (plus) weeks (actually over the past 7 years next month...) henry is so lucky to have you as his dad. i (we) couldnt do this without you. we love you!


  1. Love this post, good luck tomorrow, you can do it!!!

    1. Thanks! I go back next Monday, this is my last week :)

  2. This Monday is very bittersweet. :(
    I was the same each time I went back to work after maternity leave.
    I'll be thinking of you .

  3. What a cutie! I wish I could say I haven't missed a marathon training

  4. I would make bad choices with you if Eric didn't have a tri that AM :-(
    See you at B2B though! Reunited AT LASTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!

  5. Awww. Enjoy your last week maternity leave. Awesome job on training. Kiss that Henry's sweet cheeks for me. He is such a doll.

  6. I'm sharing in your feelings towards this being the last week at home. It's my last week too. :( Time went by way too fast! Good luck on your race!

  7. Dear Danielle: Just when they're starting to get fun it's time to go back to work...I've always thought that maternity leave should be from 3-6 months!Enjoy your last week at home!

    Dear Henry: You are too flipping cute, stop it right now.

    So tempted to make a bad life decision....

  8. I'm still loving the greys reruns too :) glad Henry is sleeping so well for you! Love that last pic of him.

  9. Can't believe how fast 12 weeks flew by. I hope your transition to a working mom goes well!

  10. What a sweet post! I can't believe it's already time for you to go back to work.

  11. So jealous of Henry sleeping 8 hours!! Connor has started only waking up once now so I am hoping we are getting close to that.
    Love watching the GA re-runs in the afternoons!! I get really excited when 1:00 comes around :)
