ff 40: i collect the “box top for education” things and when i get a ziploc baggie full i walk them up the street and give them to my friend thea whos husband franklin is a teacher. it takes a long time to gather that many but i eat a lot of tacos and cheerios so that helps, and they appreciate it. (also the box tops dont expire for like 3 years from when they are put on the boxes. win.)
ff 41: for the month of june i set out to run at least one mile a day each day. let me tell you, it was a struggle. but my miles were:
6.1, 1.5, 1, 2.4, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3.1, 1, 3.1, 6.2, 1, 3.1, 3.1, 1, 3.1, 2, 2, 1 (SO so hungover i might add), 5, 3.1, 2, 1.5, 3.1, 2.62, 1.5, 6.1, 1, and 1.4. i tracked it all on daily mile and had a few strong supporters who helped carry me through (thank you!!!). it pretty much was not fun after the first two weeks and i had quite a few awful runs. my legs felt like jello the last week (actually not jello. more like lead). i definitely didnt stretch enough (read: at all). i lost another toe nail. just not good times.
on my last day/run, i brought my camera and headed to a local beach.
the sky was so blue and the water looked very cold, so i opted to stay on the sand. but it was a nice way to end the 30 days straight of running. thank you legs and feet for holding it together, i promise you i will never do this again!
(holy calves! if i were granted some wishes, one of them would be to make my calves smaller. ugh.)
ff 42: i went to college with the douche bag from MTV real life or whatever its called who got calf implants. seriously, take some of mine. but really, who does that? i never really liked the kid anyway, so i probably wouldnt share. his apartment on campus was the first party i ever went to my freshman year. and it sucked. he now does gay porn. go luke!
ff 43: my friend andrea (@andrea70188 on twitter) just turned 22 on thursday. 22 is my favorite number and she wrote a cute post about her birthday, and had this super awesome picture that i needed to steal and share because 22 rocks. as much as i have loved being 29, i sometimes wish i could be 22 again.
ff 44: this house is a half mile from my tiny ass apartment and i hope to someday move in and call it home. see the sand path there in the front? that leads right to the above pic of the beach and boats. dream.house.
ff 45: i have a love/hate relationship with the victorias secret laundry detergent.
ff 46: i own 4 nalgene bottles. i just cant throw them away.
ff 47: i just got a pair of "lace up save lives" red shoe laces, supporting the fight aids in africa cause from nike. i put them in my brooks running shoes and they look absolutely ridiculous. but there they will stay. they will sort of match the american flag ribbon im wearing in my hair for sundays 10k race.

after we got home from tennis, we received a phone call that gave us devastating news about a friend who ty went to high school and college with. seemingly without warning her fiance was taken from her on monday night. needless to say, we are still very shook up over what happened and it will take time for all who were affected to heal. my heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to her and both of their families. the unanswered questions that remain fill the mind with question and doubt and are difficult to move past. life is short, i know that all too well. please take the time you have to tell those who you care about what they mean to you.
this sign was also on my run on that last day, and it was very fitting for the moment.
decided to leave you all with a happy pic. found this one a few weeks back. oh wasnt life a whole lot simpler when we could wear pigtails with fuzzy bows and plaid dresses with knee high socks.
thanks, mom.
have a happy and safe 4th of july everyone!
I remember that episode of true life. He seemed like a total d-bag. And interesting career choice....haha.